Arlington Public Schools (APS) serves the citizens of Arlington, Virginia’s geographically smallest county, located across the Potomac River from the District of Columbia. APS educates one of the nation’s most diverse and sophisticated student populations – students come from 127 countries and speak 105 different languages. The 2007 Newsweek/Washington Post Challenge Index listed all APS high schools in the top 1% in the U.S.
- Guidebook for Parents
is designed to assist parents by providing information about the options available to students, the countywide registration process and timelines for application.
- The Searchable Boundary Locator
can be used to determine your child’s neighborhood school for this school year.
- School Options
lists all schools in Arlington with a link to that school for additional information.
- Arlington Public Schools Handbook
is a guide for students and parents that includes general information about the school system and how the school system works, answers to frequently asked questions, student rights and responsibilities, and general school policies.